Land Use Zoning Alternatives
The City of Ridgefield has been working through Envision Ridgefield 2045, a process to update the city’s Comprehensive Plan and five public facilities plans and remain consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). As part of this process, the City receives allocations for population, housing and jobs from the state to account for the next 20 years of growth.
One requirement of the project is to update Ridgefield's Zoning to accommodate these allocations. Zoning is a tool that Ridgefield can use to shape the look and impact of growth in our community. While we cannot decide how much we grow, we can designate areas for increased or limited growth.
For the 2025-2045 Comprehensive Plan, Ridgefield must plan for the following allocations:
Employment Needs (Jobs) | 8,175 |
Population Needs | 10,656 |
Housing Need (Units) | 5,815 |
Affordable Housing Needs (Units) | |
0-80% Area Median Income (AMI) | 4,136 |
80-100% AMI | 1,679 |
Based on the community vision and goals, and using community input collected through an in person and online workshop, the City developed three alternatives that would meet these required allocations. Council then narrowed the options down to two alternatives that will meet these required population, housing, affordable housing and jobs allocations. Before selecting a preferred alternative, the project team is asking for community feedback on the two options.
Thank you to all who participated in this survey.
Next Steps
The Ridgefield Planning Commission will consider the alternatives using collected feedback, conduct a public hearing, and issue a recommendation to Council at their regular meeting at 6:30 PM Wednesday, February 5. At a later date to be determined, Ridgefield City Council* will consider Planning Commission's recommendations, examine the collected feedback, conduct a public hearing and select a preferred alternative.
*A City Council Public Hearing was set for the Thursday, February 13 meeting, which was rescheduled to Monday, February 17. In order to allow the pubic and Council adequate notice and time to evaluate possible land use scenarios for the 20-year growth plan, including feedback received at the Planning Commission Hearing and online, the hearing will not occur on February 17, and be rescheduled for a later date.