May 16 Community Meeting Materials
The community of Ridgefield provided feedback on three design options for the Waterfront Park Masterplan. Each design option suggested alternatives site access and circulation, programmatic elements and the locations of activity spaces. From March 5 – April 3, the community provided feedback through an open house and online survey. The feedback received has directly informed the master plan development and has been incorporated into the preferred master plan concept.
Key Takeaways from Community Feedback
- Concept 3 was popular, followed by Concept 2.
- Path to the water from vehicles should be as short as possible to facilitate access for all users.
- Some community members had questions about boat storage.
- Event space should be far from the refuge, and large enough to facilitate a variety of events.
- Stakeholders felt a few program elements should be considered for inclusion in the master plan:
- Playground
- Picnic shelter
- Second restroom
- Seating
Park Zones
The overall site organization of the preferred plan focuses active uses to the south of Division Street and passive uses to the north, providing an easy drop-off point for all park users at the end of Division Street, with central access to restrooms and other supporting park amenities. By keeping the active uses to the south portion of the site, it provides maximum separation between large community events and the sensitive refuge area to the north.
Added from Community Feedback
In response to the community feedback received, the following elements were added: Play Area, Picnic Shelters, Event Space at the south, Meandering paths, Future additional restroom location.
Events and Play
This concept includes a large event lawn with amphitheater style stepped seating built into a large berm. The event lawn is located south of Division allowing for easy access to parking from existing and proposed public lots. The concept provides a space for a stage at the NW portion of the amphitheater so that projected sound will be aimed away from the refuge, and attendees at events will enjoy views to the water. This same area will also work as staging for water-craft related events, and a rigging zone for hand-carry watercrafts. A large central play area is located just south of the event lawn, and is planned to be large enough to include big sculptural climbing elements, swings, slides, or other play elements at different scales. A play area at this scale will include synthetic or natural surfacing for safety.
Water Access
Direct access to the water is provided by stairs with large steps that face west and can double as seating on along the water. The steps will include a boat slide that allows people to guide their boat up or down the stairs, without needing to carry it. A sloping pathway is also provided to allow access to the hand-carried boat launch and future beach area. At the top of the stairs in the master plan shows a small support building that could house outdoor showers, boat lockers, and boat wash station. Just to the south is a pavilion overlook with views to the river.
North - Natural/Passive Zone
The northern area of the park has a more natural character with a series of pathways and overlooks providing unique views and access to the shore. A passive lawn is located at the center of the northern park area, with a picnic shelter and potential future restroom to support small gatherings and picnicking. The northern part of the site will focus on quieter activities such as picnicking, walking and running. The area is envisioned to include native and adaptive plantings as well as large trees to provide shade in the summer months. Further north, the pumphouse is shown as an overlook with potential seasonal pop-café. This layout would support an art walk or outdoor sculpture program.
Preferred Master Plan Concept
We are seeking additional community feedback on this Preferred Master Plan before finalizing the Master Plan process. Please complete the online survey by Sunday, June 16 to share your feedback. View the Preferred Master Plan (PDF).
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