Eddie's White Wonder Dogwood
This exceptional hybrid between our native Western dogwood and the eastern North American one has beautiful large white flowers that open in Spring. It has outstanding red Fall color.
Mature Height: 25-30 feet
Mature Spread: 15-20 feet
Tree Shape: Somewhat pyramidal due to layered pattern of branches.
Leaves: Dark green summer foliage turns to rich red in the fall.
Flowers: Large white flowers grow to more than four inches in diameter in the spring.
Fruit: After flowering, the tree develops small orange to red fruits decorate the branches in winter.
Native: Yes
Interesting Facts: The fruits are popular fall and winter food for birds. The blossoms are a major nectar source for pollinators. Provides shelter, shade and nesting sites for local bird species.
Update: At their meeting on Thursday, February 24 City Council reviewed the public input for Downtown Trees. The result was strongly in favor (72.9%) for the Eddie's White Wonder Dogwood. After discussion and evaluation of the ability of Public Works to secure the trees, Council approved a motion to select the Eddie's White Wonder Dogwood to be planted in the 21 empty tree wells in Downtown Ridgefield. Thank you to all who participated in this survey!
This project has concluded.