Boyse Park

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Boyse Park is a 9-acre neighborhood park located off of N. 32nd Avenue that sits alongside a tributary of Gee Creek and currently includes informal foot and mountain bike trails. Formal development of the park is planned with Phase 1 beginning in 2024. The concept Master Plan for the park includes a pump track, walking trails, and more and may be viewed below.

Project Background

The City of Ridgefield purchased the park land in 2020 and 2021. In order to gauge community needs and wants for the land, the City collected public input from our community stakeholders via a community survey from August 5 to September 2, 2022.

The feedback collected in this initial survey was used to develop a Master Plan concept which was presented to the Parks Board for feedback. Additional community feedback on the Master Plan concept was collected from March to June 2023. Some of the amenities included in the initial Master Plan were: picnic areas, pickleball courts, a pump track along with restrooms and off-street parking. The concept Master Plan was presented to City Council on Thursday, April 13, 2023. Council requested revisions and continuing to gather public input on the draft.

On June 8th, 2023, Council was presented with a revised draft Master Plan. Some key changes included moving the picnic areas closer to the parking lot and connecting loops and trails to other regional trails. After reviewing the revised concept and the community input collected via survey, City Council approved the revised Master Plan with one change - removing the pickleball courts from the conceptual design. The approved design concept includes a parking area, restroom, trail connections, pump and jump tracks, picnic areas, landscaping and street improvements. The revised Master Plan and a descriptive list of amenities may be reviewed below.

Project Status

Boyse Park will be developed in phases.

The City has submitted a grant request for $500,000 with $500,000 match from the city to complete Phase 1. Phase 1 will include park design, permitting, right-of-way-access, a gravel parking lot, and a pump track. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for this work is expected late Summer 2024. See map (PDF).

The City is currently comparing maintenance expenses for an asphalt or dirt surface pump track. The surfacing selected for the Boyse Park track will be based on this research.

Boyse Park is a 9-acre neighborhood park located off of N. 32nd Avenue that sits alongside a tributary of Gee Creek and currently includes informal foot and mountain bike trails. Formal development of the park is planned with Phase 1 beginning in 2024. The concept Master Plan for the park includes a pump track, walking trails, and more and may be viewed below.

Project Background

The City of Ridgefield purchased the park land in 2020 and 2021. In order to gauge community needs and wants for the land, the City collected public input from our community stakeholders via a community survey from August 5 to September 2, 2022.

The feedback collected in this initial survey was used to develop a Master Plan concept which was presented to the Parks Board for feedback. Additional community feedback on the Master Plan concept was collected from March to June 2023. Some of the amenities included in the initial Master Plan were: picnic areas, pickleball courts, a pump track along with restrooms and off-street parking. The concept Master Plan was presented to City Council on Thursday, April 13, 2023. Council requested revisions and continuing to gather public input on the draft.

On June 8th, 2023, Council was presented with a revised draft Master Plan. Some key changes included moving the picnic areas closer to the parking lot and connecting loops and trails to other regional trails. After reviewing the revised concept and the community input collected via survey, City Council approved the revised Master Plan with one change - removing the pickleball courts from the conceptual design. The approved design concept includes a parking area, restroom, trail connections, pump and jump tracks, picnic areas, landscaping and street improvements. The revised Master Plan and a descriptive list of amenities may be reviewed below.

Project Status

Boyse Park will be developed in phases.

The City has submitted a grant request for $500,000 with $500,000 match from the city to complete Phase 1. Phase 1 will include park design, permitting, right-of-way-access, a gravel parking lot, and a pump track. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for this work is expected late Summer 2024. See map (PDF).

The City is currently comparing maintenance expenses for an asphalt or dirt surface pump track. The surfacing selected for the Boyse Park track will be based on this research.

  • Master Plan

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    The Master Plan (below) was approved by City Council on Thursday, June 8. Some of the amenities included in the Master Plan are: picnic areas, a pump track along with restrooms and off-street parking. The concept and a descriptive list of amenities may be viewed below.

    Environmentally Sensitive Areas.

    The park property includes a creek, wetlands, and Environmental Constraints Areas as identified by Clark County maps. These habitat rich areas include many large native Oaks, Cedars and Douglas Fir trees. Shrubs, flora and fauna are plentiful throughout the northwest area of the site. Conservation of these habitats is an important part of the Boyse Park Master Plan.

    Pump Track

    Pump tracks are bike tracks designed with a series of “rollers” (small hills) and angled berms. Riders “pump” using up and down movements to maximize momentum without the need for pedaling. Traditionally, pump tracks are made of dirt. Tracks can also be made of asphalt or concrete. Pump tracks can range in difficulty levels. A good track can accommodate a variety of user from beginner to advanced. The pump track design at Boyse Park is intended to accommodate varied levels of riders. The track will feature an easy / moderate main outside loop with an internal alternate track for advanced users.

    Jump Track

    The jump track begins with a large mound for bikes to use as a starting point. The track works with the natural slope of the site and the potential energy created by climbing the first mound. By using gravity to create momentum, bikers will ride north until they reach the second mound (jump) and “get air.” Riders land at the bottom of the second mound and return to the top of the track using the remaining trail.

    Nature Trail and Observation Deck

    The quarter mile long nature trail is a pedestrian centric feature that creates an opportunity for park users to see the rich biodiversity of park up close. The trail is meant to be accessible to all users with a zig-zagging slope of 5% or less. The trail terminates at the wetlands with an observation deck for viewing the natural surroundings. Birdwatching encouraged.

    Passive Recreation

    In the southeast corner of the site, a large, gently sloping area provides the opportunity for passive recreation. With over 42,000 square feet of space, there is plenty of room for a day in the park. Passive recreation spaces can accommodate activities like frisbee, tossing around the football, pick up soccer games, picnicking or playing tag with the kids.

    Multi-use Trail

    A multi-use asphalt pathway through the site allows for both connectivity and recreation. The trail will be gently sloped and accessible to walking, biking, skating, and running. Users can take advantage of the majestic west facing views as they take a morning stroll through the park. The trail is connected to nearby neighborhoods by local crosswalks at intersections along NE 32nd Avenue.

    Covered Picnic Shelter

    A covered picnic shelter is one of four programed picnic areas in the park. The covered picnic area is located to take advantage of the specular views of the park’s natural area. This will be a great place for small family celebrations like birthdays or holidays. The covered picnic area is open on all sides, allowing wing maximum visibility.

    Public Restroom & Parking

    Vehicular access to the site will be available with an off-street parking lot accessible form NE 32nd Avenue. The lot will have ADA compliant parking spaces and prove opportunities for users who need help getting to the park. Restrooms are centrally located north of the parking lot, with accessible pathways from passive and active recreation areas.

Page last updated: 24 Jun 2024, 04:23 PM